购买condo(或co-op)的过程中一般涉及到两个保险,分别是Title Insurance和HO-6 Insurance。Title Insurance保障买房之前针对房子的产权纠纷等,而HO-6 Insurance则更接近平常大家熟悉的车险、寿险,保障的是未来拥有房子期间可能发生的意外事故。
在Jersey City/Hoboken,一般condo都会隶属于一个association(HOA),每个月业主支付一笔费用(可以理解为物业费)给HOA,HOA会以整栋楼为单位统一购买结构性的保险(structure, outside of dwelling)以及洪水保险(Flood Insurance),一般称为Master Insurance或者Master Policy,而每个业主则单独各自购买HO-6 Policy,用来保房子内部的personal property, liability等。

An HO-6 policy will cover interior damage to your unit, improvements, additions and alterations you’ve made and your personal property. Additional living expenses, if your residence is not able to be lived in due to a covered peril, is usually also included. The condo association’s policy typically covers the outside building structure and commons areas, such as hallways.
HO-6 insurance is designed to coordinate coverage with your condominium or cooperative’s master policy. Consider extra coverage, for valuables, such as jewelry, fine art or fancy computer equipment. Depending on where you live, you might also need additional coverage for earthquakes, flooding or windstorms. Discuss with your insurance agent or insurance company your needs to make sure you purchase the right amount of coverage.
大家购买HO-6保险除了给自己一个保障之外,一个重要原因是贷款银行会有相关的要求,一般来说,在房子closing之前,买方必须购买好一份HO-6 Insurance,否则无法获得贷款过户。
在Jersey City/Hoboken,大家一般都是去Geico或Travelers(这两家好像还有合作),我建议大家如果有车的话可以找车险的公司quote,一般把车险和房险放一家的话会有一些优惠。
HO-6保险价格不贵,一般一年也就几百美元(我家2b2b condo一年$300多),如果在网上quote的话条文颇为复杂,其实有很多问题都不一定适用你的房子,建议大家可以直接打保险公司的联系电话和人工客服沟通,很多时候人工客服会要你的贷款银行联系方式,然后他们两方可以就贷款银行的要求进行沟通,最终敲定合适的保险条款,省去你在中间的沟通成本。